Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nauvoo (Part 2)

My favorite part of Nauvoo was the Temple. It is an amazing temple and is visually stunning. The neat thing about the Temple is that you can see it from just about everywhere you are in historic Nauvoo. I can only imagine what it must have looked like back in the 1840's. Tasha and I got to attend seperate sessions while the other stayed with the kids. It was pretty impressive to walk out of the Temple and see the whole city of Nauvoo laid out in front of you, wrapped around by the Mississippi River. I am sure Tasha got tired of me stopping to take so many pictures - here are a few.

This one is probably my favorite. It was taken from Parley Street - where the saints crossed the Mississippi after leaving Nauvoo. It must have given them some hope to look back and be able to see the Temple one last time before heading out West.

1 comment:

JNew said...

Beautiful pics. I haven't been to Nauvoo since I was 16. I think we need to take a trip.